

戴恩DiLiegro of “Prey” poses for a portrait for TV Guide 杂志 on July 21, 2022, 在圣地亚哥, 加州.
图片来源:Maarten De Boer/Getty Images

篮球做什么?, 屠宰, 安东尼·波登和电影里的坏蛋怪兽是有关系的?

诚然,不多. But they are all connected if you are 戴恩DiLiegro ’11 and you’re on a career journey that has taken you from New England to Italy to Hollywood in a relatively short few years.

迪列格罗成了一个家喻户晓的名字, 如果不是一张可辨认的脸, 去年夏天的《澳门葡京网赌游戏》,” a prequel to the Predator series of action-horror movies first made famous by Arnold Schwarzenegger. DiLiegro played the Predator — a human-hunting, highly evolved alien who lands on Earth. 这部电影因其动作场面而受到评论家和观众的欢迎, 它的选角土著演员和强大的演员表演, 包括DiLiegro.

“I just feel like I was super fortunate that all the pistons fired together and at the right time,” DiLiegro told 主要研究 杂志 during an interview this summer amid the buzz about the movie.


找到这个故事和更多的 2023年冬季版 主要研究杂志,现在在线直播.

走进法医实验室 with the professor and students helping the state crack real-life cold cases, 了解英语的起源 邵氏创新探索者计划,庆祝三十多年的历史 哈默尔本科生研究中心,听听最新消息 帽子戏法 和更多的.

访问 杂志.主要研究.edu 探究完整的问题.


迪列格罗不是主要研究的明星学生, 他承认, but basketball fans will remember him as a star player during his undergrad years. 他开始了所有的四年, 在获得旅游学位后, he spent the next eight years playing professionally in Italy and briefly in Israel. 为了向他的意大利血统(他的父亲)致敬, 校友和野猫篮球队队员弗兰克·迪列格罗76届, 来自一个意大利家庭), 迪列格罗对意大利的烹饪文化非常感兴趣. 他最终成为著名的托斯卡纳屠夫达里奥·切基尼的学徒.

After a few years in Europe he began to think about what he would do next when he was done with basketball.

He wanted to pursue his passion of culinary travel — exploring the world and its cultures through food. He had designs on being the next Anthony Bourdain; he created a YouTube series as a pilot showing his adventures with food and other explorations. 他把它命名为“冒险星期一”, because Mondays were the only days the pro ballplayer had off from the sport.

2019年回到马萨诸塞州的家, on a whim he decided to answer an ad for extras in a Boston movie shoot for Ryan Reynolds’ “Free Guy.”

戴恩从未出现在雷诺兹的电影里, but he still counts that day as the moment where his Hollywood career started: a stunt coordinator working on the film told the 6-foot, 身高8英寸半的丹麦人,他应该追求演艺事业.

他搬到了伦敦。.A. 一心想让梦想成真——去参加旅游节目, 或者至少按照特技演员的建议去做.

其中一个成功了. DiLiegro’s first gig was starring in a Korean series for Netflix titled “Sweet Home” where he played Muscle Monster. 他将继续在《澳门葡京网赌游戏》中扮演恶魔Ba 'al,” the Dragior in the Disney series “The Quest” and Master Chief in the Halo video game commercials. Earlier this year he was in Doja Cat’s music video for her hit “Get Into It (Yuh).”

“猎物,” DiLiegro spent three months shooting in Calgary — something he called a physically grueling experience, 即使是对一个前职业运动员来说. A lot of it had to do with the Predator’s look, which comes in the form of six different suits. 生物的头(实际上有四个头), with two being controlled remotely by puppeteers) weighs 15 pounds and sits on top of Dane’s head, 这意味着他确实是从我们所看到的“捕食者”的脖子往外看的.

迪列格罗上的是哑剧学校,搬到洛杉矶后一直在学习表演.A., says playing monsters and creatures like the Predator is even more challenging than if he were acting as a human with dialogue.

“我没有奢侈的语言, 所以我的手成了一个巨大的沟通者, 而且我的呼吸也是我传达这个角色故事的重要方式,他解释道. “Then I have to remember choreography, blocking, timing; then I have to act on top of that. And I can only see three feet in front of me, because of the makeup and costume. 这里肯定有很多事情要处理.”

So unfortunately for culinary travel show fans — but very fortunately for DiLiegro — the offers just keep on coming. 他将出现在下一部《澳门葡京网赌游戏》电影中, 去年与卢卡斯影业合作拍摄了一个项目, 乔治·卢卡斯的制作公司, 《澳门葡京网赌游戏》和《澳门葡京网赌游戏》系列电影的诞生地.

虽然他曾经想过他可能会留在怪物类型, 他在这个行业呆的时间越长, 他就越意识到他想演更戏剧化的角色.

“I want to be a doctor, or a lawyer, or just a guy scooping ice cream,” says DiLiegro. “用这种方式展示我的演技会很棒.”